We recently introduced our new product FHT (Field History Tracking)Application which enables users to track field history of as many fields for an object they want .The object can be standard or custom as per users choice.

We are Partner of TITAN

Streamline CLM with Easy Contract Lifecycle Management Solutions
A powerful custom CLM Application for Salesforce
Create automated and connected contract lifecycle processes for Salesforce using Titan’s zero code CLM Application
360 Degree Tracking
Fully track your document in Salesforce from start to finish
Dynamically Generated Docs
All documents are dynamically generated through live push and pull of Salesforce data
Fully Collaborative and Flexible
Collaboration is fully flexible, and you can add participants at any stage of the CLM journey
Create seamless contract lifecycle processes
Build flexible and integrated contract lifecycle experiences, bringing together users both in and outside of Salesforce
Manage and track document versions in Salesforce
Manage, review, and track documents directly within Salesforce for a 360 degree view of the contract lifecycle
Collaborate dynamically
Add collaborators at any stage of the contract lifecycle
Get dynamic contract templates
Get dynamic contract templates, pre-filled with live Salesforce data
Salesforce Automation
Multiple Signers
Efficient Contract Lifecycles
Integrated Salesforce Experiences

Titan CLM Features

Collaborate Online and Locally
Multiple Signers
Add rounds of Collaborations
Dynamic Content
Codeless Contract Approvals
Automated Mail Approvals