We recently introduced our new product FHT (Field History Tracking)Application which enables users to track field history of as many fields for an object they want .The object can be standard or custom as per users choice.
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Create Price Rule in Salesforce CPQ (SBQQ)

Price Rules are a powerful tool of the Salesforce CPQ. They allow admins to conditionally update the value of just about any field on the quote line, the quote line group, or the quote record itself.

Price rule structure:

The structure of a price rule, which typically involves three related records.

  • Price Rule
  • Price Condition
  • Price Action

How to Create Price rule in Salesforce CPQ

Consider, Client is running a promotion related to an upcoming trade show. It wants to reduce the price of the Smartblinds product to $125 if sales reps enter “trade show” in the quote’s ReferralCode__c field.

Go to App Launcher find the Salesforce CPQ app then click

Now click Price Rule Tab

Put the rule name, evaluation scope, evaluation event and condition.

Step 1: First condition

put the price condition in related list of price rule

Select the object and field (I chose tested formula )

Put the filter as per given condition

Step 2: second condition

Select object, field and index.

Filter condition

Step 3: put the price action in related list of price rule

Note -: Rule should be Activated.

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