We recently introduced our new product FHT (Field History Tracking)Application which enables users to track field history of as many fields for an object they want .The object can be standard or custom as per users choice.

Field History Tracking

Refine Operational Insights with Advanced Field History Tracking Capabilities.
How our FHT application is different from salesforce
With our application you can track as many fields as you want
How to use Field History Tracking in Salesforce
Updating fields for Objects in Salesforce is routine as customer information changes. Being able to remember what certain values were a week or month ago would be quite handy. But remembering this data becomes impossible with hundreds of customers and many teammates using Salesforce. What’s the solution? That’s where Field History Tracking comes in.
How our Field History Tracking be useful for your business?
  • Our Field History Tracking Application enables users to track field history of as many fields for an object they want
  • The object can be standard or custom as per user's choice.
  • As per the Salesforce Standard Functionality, a user is able to track field history of only 20 fields at a time. This limitation enables our FHT to stand out as it allows every existing field in a salesforce org to be available for Field History Tracking
  • It is a user friendly application which enables tracking for both standard and custom objects.
Audit Trails
This feature helps you with a useful audit trail for reviewing or troubleshooting past changes. Changes to tracked fields are displayed in the Objects History Related list, and the data is retained for 18 months. Salesforce Field History Tracking can also help you understand when a non-human “user” is making updates to fields, such as when a process builder makes a change to a field value, or an integration user updates a record from an external web site form.
Let’s Get Tracking
To enable Field History Tracking
Select any Standard/Custom Object
Select fields for Field History Tracking
Preview the fields and Submit them
Go to any of the selected object's record
Place the LWC Component through Lightning App Builder
Make changes to the record's selected fields
Make sure to save the record
You will be able to see the list of Field History Tracking Records

FHT Features

Enhanced Visibility
Improved Audit Trail
Data Analysis and Insights
Efficient Troubleshooting
Performance Monitoring
Comprehensive Reporting